Compliance with Parts 2 and 3 is required only as it relates to the use of alternative solutions as set out in Subsection 1.2.2. Unless otherwise specified, the owner is responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Code.ġ.2.1.2. If a provision of this Code contains a reference to another provision of this Code but no Division is specified, both provisions are in the same Division of this Code. Division C contains the administrative provisions of this Code.ġ.1.1.4. Division B contains the acceptable solutions of this Code.ġ.1.1.3. Division A contains the compliance and application provisions, objectivesġ.1.1.2.
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, PROCESSES AND OPERATIONSĬHECKING, INSPECTION, TESTING, NOTIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE EMERGENCY SYSTEMS IN HIGH BUILDINGSĬompliance, objectives and functional statementsġ.1.1.1. Loi de 1997 sur la prévention et la protection contre l’incendieĬonsolidation Period: From Apto the e-Laws currency date.ĬOMPLIANCE, OBJECTIVES AND FUNCTIONAL STATEMENTS